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Slovakia Work Life Challenges and Solutions

work life challenges in slovakiaAnyone considering a move to Slovakia to work will likely have some concerns about the potential challenges they may face. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the most common workplace challenges in Slovakia and offer some solutions to help make the transition smoother.

 Language Barrier

One of the biggest challenges expats face when starting a new job in Slovakia is the language barrier. While Slovak is the official language, English is widely spoken in business circles. However, there will likely be some words and phrases that you'll need to learn in order to smoothly navigate the office. One solution is to find a language exchange partner who can help you learn the basics of Slovak while you teach them English. Meetup.com is a great resource for finding language exchange partners in your local area.

Discover 12 highest paid jobs in Slovakia

While many people speak English, it's still useful to learn at least some basic Slovak before you move. Not only will it make day-to-day life easier, but it'll also show locals that you're making an effort to integrate into the community. There are plenty of resources available for learning Slovak, so don't be afraid to ask around for recommendations. And once you've learned some basics, practice speaking as often as you can with friends, colleagues, and locals. 

Work Culture

Another common challenge is getting used to the Slovak way of doing things. Businesses in Slovakia tend to be hierarchical, so it's important to know who your boss is and what their role is in the company. It's also important to be aware of cultural differences such as how and when to socialize with colleagues. One solution is to read up on Slovak business culture before starting your new job so that you're not caught off guard by any surprises. 

Dealing with Red tape

One of the most frustrating things about moving to a new country is dealing with all the bureaucracy. From getting a work visa to opening a bank account, there's a lot of paperwork involved. The good news is that Slovakia has made strides in reducing the amount of red tape in recent years. For example, it's now possible to open a bank account online without having to go into a branch. And if you need any help with the paperwork, there are plenty of English-speaking expats who will be happy to lend a hand.

red tape management

Managing your finances

If you're not used to living on a tight budget, it can be tricky to manage your finances in Slovakia. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to save money. For example, if you cook at home instead of eating out, you can easily save hundreds of euros per month. There are also several discount supermarkets where you can buy food and household items at a fraction of the cost of major chain stores. And if you're looking for cheap entertainment, there are plenty of free or low-cost events happening around the city every week.



Finding accommodation

Another common challenge for people moving to Slovakia is finding somewhere to live. If you're not planning on renting an apartment, your best bet is to look for accommodation through Facebook groups or websites like Airbnb. There are also several agencies that specialize in finding apartments for expats, so if you're willing to pay a bit extra, they'll likely be able to find something that suits your needs.

The last challenge we'll discuss is finding housing that meets your needs and budget. Rent in Slovakia's capital city, Bratislava, is relatively high compared to other parts of the country. One solution is to search for housing outside of Bratislava or to live in a smaller city such as Trencin or Kosice where rent is more affordable. Another option is to find a roommate or two so that you can split the cost of rent and utilities. 

Don’t forget to check:Tips to Ace a Job Interiew in Slovakia


Working in Slovakia can be a great experience, but it's important to be prepared for some potential challenges. The good news is that there are solutions for everything from the language barrier to finding affordable housing. With a little preparation, you can successfully navigate any challenge that comes your way.Moving to a new country is always a challenge, but it can be especially difficult to adjust to the work life in a new place. If you're planning to move to Slovakia, it's helpful to know what challenges you might face so that you can be prepared. 


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